Friday, 12 August 2011

Nazaruddin Tertangkap

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JAKARTA, - In addition to his wife, Muhammad Nazaruddin, a fugitive from Indonesia who sought by 188 countries who are members of Interpol, accompanied by seven others. All seven other people were until now still can not be identified.

reported online media Colombia, El Universal, Thursday (11/08/2011) then local time. The existence of the seven people who participate with chartered plane from Cambodia that has never been mentioned, both by the Indonesian Embassy in Colombia as well as local police. Only his wife, Neneng, which has been touted accompany Nazaruddin.

Friday's edition of Kompas Daily (08/12/2011) today said the presence of Nazaruddin in Cartagena was accompanied by his wife and another man named Nasir.

"Nazaruddin se encontraba en Compania de su esposa y Siete Más personas que no han Sido identificadas Aun," according to El Universal wrote, which means Nazaruddin accompanied by his wife and seven others who have not been identified.

It added, Nazaruddin was in Cartagena a week before he was arrested by police in Colombia. He left Indonesia since May 23, 2011 with the aim of Singapore. From Singapore Nazaruddin outwit the authorities seemed to go to Malaysia, but the goal Cambodia where she and her entourage to charter a plane.

Even that was never written Indonesian media reported El Universal, for example, the Indonesian government offered a reward of millions of dollars to anyone who could capture Nazaruddin.

"La millonaria Recompensa ofrecía que por el gobierno de Indonesia de la captura Muhammad Nazaruddin," according to El Universal, which roughly means millions of dollars the government offered to anyone who caught Nazaruddin. El Universal did not mention the source where this information came from.
Source: August 12, 2011
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Thursday, 11 August 2011


World disasters from 1500-2000 & 2010 – in Indonesia

26 Jan 1531 earthquake in Lisbon, Portugal, 30.000 casualties
26 Jan 1700 earthquake in Pasifik Ocean, from Vancouver Island, Southwest
Canada off British Columbia to Northern California, Pacific
Northwest,USA. called megathrust earthquake.
26 Jul 1805 earthquake in Naples, Calabria, Italy, 26.000 casualties
26 Agt 1883 Eruption of Mount Krakatau, Indonesia, 36.000 casualties
26 Dec 1861 earthquake in Egion, Greece
26 Mar 1872 earthquake in Owens Valley, USA
26 Agt 1896 earthquake in Skeid Land, Islandia
26 Nov 1902 earthquake in Bohemia, now Czech Republic
26 Nov 1930 earthquake in Izu
26 Sep 1932 earthquake in Ierissos, Greece
26 Dec 1932 earthquake in Kansu, China, 70.000 casualties
26 Oct 1935 earthquake in Columbia
26 Dec 1939 earthquake in Erzincan, Turkie, 41.000 casualties
26 Nov 1943 earthquake in Tosya Ladik, Turkie
26 Dec 1949 earthquake in Imaichi, Japan
26 May 1957 earthquake in Bolu Abant, Turkie
26 Mar 1963 earthquake in Wakasa Bay, Japan
26 Jul 1963 earthquake in Skopje, Yugoslavia, 1.000 casualties
26 May 1964 earthquake in S. Sandwich Island
26 Jul 1967 earthquake in Pulumur, Turkie
26 Sep 1970 earthquake in Bahia Solano, Columbia
26 Jul 1971 earthquake in Solomon Island
26 Apr 1972 earthquake in Ezine, Turkie
26 May 1975 earthquake in N. Atlantic
26 Mar 1977 earthquake in Palu, Turkie
26 Dec 1979 earthquake in Carlisle, England
26 Apr 1981 earthquake in Westmorland, USA
26 Mei 1983 earthquake in Nihonkai, Chubu, Japan
26 Jan 1985 earthquake in Mendoza, Argentine
26 Jan 1986 earthquake in Tres Pinos, USA
26 Apr 1992 earthquake in Cape Mendocino, California, USA
26 Oct 1997 earthquake in Italy
26 Dec 2004 Tsunami in Aceh, Indonesia
26 May 2006 earthquake in Jogya, Indonesia
26 June 2010 earthquake in Tasikmalaya, Indonesia
26 Oct 2010 Tsunami in Mentawai, Indonesia
26 Oct 2010 eruption of Mount Merapi, Indonesia

God must have a reason for all these World Disasters happened on the ” 26″

Rusuh Meluas ke Empat Kota London

LONDON-Kerusuhan yang melanda London belum mereda. Bahkan, kerusuhan dan penjarahan malah meluas ke empat kota lain di sekitar ibu kota. Yakni, Birmingham (166 km barat laut London), Bristol (172 km sebelah barat), Liverpool (290 km sebelah barat laut), dan Nottingham (177 km sebelah barat laut London). Di sisi lain, setelah kerusuhan memasuki malam ketiga, korban tewas pertama mengembuskan napas terakhirnya di rumah sakit kemarin (9/8). Korban jiwa kerusuhan yang dipicu kematian Mark Duggan di tangan Kepolisian Metro London (Scotland Yard) itu adalah seorang pria berusia 26 tahun. Berdasar informasi, korban yang sudah beberapa hari dirawat di rumah sakit itu berasal dari Croydon, kawasan pinggiran London.

Dia tewas akibat luka tembak. Ketika ditemukan tak berdaya di tengah kerusuhan, beberapa butir peluru bersarang di tubuhnya. Bersamaan dengan itu, kerusuhan terus merembet ke pusat-pusat bisnis di Birmingham, Bristol, Liverpool, dan Nottingham. Ratusan warga yang sebagian besar adalah pemuda mengobrak- abrik pertokoan dan menjarah barangbarang berharga. Dalam pernyataan resminya, Kepolisian Metro London menyatakan bahwa kerusuhan di empat kota itu merupakan aksi peniruan (copycat) dari kerusuhan di Tottenham pada Sabtu malam lalu (6/8). ’’(Meluasnya kerusuhan) ini tak bisa dibiarkan,’’ tegas Komandan Christine Jones dari Kepolisian Metro London. Dia menyatakan, kerusuhan yang sudah melewati malam ketiga itu harus segera diakhiri.

Sebanyak 16 ribu personel kepolisian sengaja dikerahkan ke ibu kota. Mereka bertugas mengamankan pusat bisnis dan tempat-tempat strategis di London dan sekitarnya. Selain empat kota di sekitar ibu kota, bibit anarkisme juga terdeteksi di kota-kota seperti Kent dan Leeds. Tapi, menurut Jones, skalanya jauh lebih kecil dibandingkan aksi serupa di empat kota di atas. Kendati demikian, Kepolisian Metro London tetap menerjunkan tim untuk menyelidiki kekacauan yang terjadi. Sesuai instruksi Perdana Menteri (PM) David Cameron, polisi berjanji terus memburu para perusuh hingga tertangkap. Hingga kemarin, polisi menangkap total sedikitnya 525 orang perusuh dan penjarah. Dari jumlah itu, lebih dari 100 orang dikenai dakwaan dan bakal diajukan ke meja hijau. Termasuk, seorang bocah berusia 11 tahun yang didakwa merampok dan tiga pemuda dijerat pasal pembunuhan. Kemarin polisi juga telah mengamankan sedikitnya 100 orang pasca kerusuhan dan penjarahan di pusat bisnis Birmingham.

Termasuk, di Armani Store dan Adidas Store. Para perusuh lantas ditahan di kantor polisi setempat sambil menjalani pemeriksaan. ’’Seluruh sel tahanan di Scotland Yard penuh. Karena itu, kami mengambil kebijakan untuk menahan sementara para perusuh di kepolisian setempat,’’ terang Jones. Selain di Tottenham, kantor polisi juga menjadi sasaran aksi anarkistis di beberapa kota lain. Tak terkecuali di Nottingham. Kantor polisi yang terletak di kawasan St. Ann menjadi sasaran amuk massa. Massa yang didominasi kaum muda itu juga membakar kantor polisi tersebut. Selain itu, massa membakar sedikitnya 200 ban di sepanjang jalan. Di Chapeltown yang berada di pinggiran Leeds, seorang pria menjadi korban penembakan. Belum jelas peluru siapa yang menembus kulit wajah pria muda itu.

Tetapi, petugas langsung melarikannya ke rumah sakit untuk dirawat secara intensif. ’’Kami akan mengusut kejadian ini. Kami juga tak akan berhenti memburu para perusuh dan penjarah,’’ ucap Asisten Kepala Polisi West Midlands Sharon Rowe. Kerusuhan tiga malam yang melumpuhkan transportasi London itu juga membuat ibu kota Inggris tak ubahnya seperti medan perang. Banban bekas yang dibakar di tepi jalan, kaca jendela dan pintu pertokoan yang pecah, serta mobilmobil pribadi yang hancur terlihat hampir di setiap sudut jalan. Warga yang trauma tak bisa berbuat apa-apa. ’’Saya turun ke bawah sekitar pukul 23.15 tadi malam (Senin malam, Red) dan ratusan remaja merusak kaca toko saya serta menjarah barangbarang yang ada di sana sambil berteriak-teriak,’’ kata Amrit Khurmy. Selesai menjarah, para pemuda itu membakar toko yang dikelola Khurmy dan keluarganya. Keluarga Khurmy pun terpaksa meninggalkan rukonya untuk menyelamatkan diri.

Sementara itu, sekitar 100 warga Wandsworth, London, mulai membersihkan sisa kerusuhan. Berbekal sapu dan kantong sampah, mereka berkumpul di stasiun Clapham Junction dengan pengawalan polisi. Aksi bersih-bersih itu digembar-gemborkan lewat Twitter. ’’Kami tinggal di sini dan kami tak mau menyerah begitu saja. Kami berusaha bangkit,’’ kata James Hossack. Aksi yang sama muncul di Distrik Peckham, kawasan tenggara London. Mereka membersihkan pusat bisnis yang rusak terparah. Puluhan relawan dadakan itu pun mengaku tergerak melakukan pembersihan setelah membaca seruan yang dikumandangkan lewat situs jejaring sosial. Salah satunya lewat akun @Riotcleanup di Twitter. Lewat media sama, Twitter dan juga Facebook, kerabat Duggard menggelorakan perlawanan di Tottenham. Dalam hitungan jam, ratusan pemuda yang sebagian besar adalah teman dan kenalan pria 29 tahun itu bergerak ke kantor polisi. Kerusuhan menjalar dari sana. Karena itulah, selain memburu perusuh dan penjarah, polisi juga mengawasi arus komunikasi di situs jejaring sosial.
Sumber : Indopos

MK Terima 855 Perkara

Sejak berdiri tahun 2003 sampai awal Agustus 2011, saat merayakan hari jadinya yang kedelapan, Mahkamah Konstitusi telah menerima 855 permohonan perkara konstitusi dari masyarakat. Hal ini, menurut Ketua MK Moh Mahfud MD dalam sambutannya pada upacara hari ulang tahun kedelapan MK di Jakarta, Jumat (12/8/2011), menunjukkan tingginya kepercayaan rakyat kepada MK.

Dari perkara yang diterima itu, kata Mahfud, 755 permohonan telah diputuskan oleh MK. Mayoritas perkara yang diajukan adalah pengujian terhadap undang-undang yang mencapai 377 perkara. Paling sedikit, adalah permohonan terkait sengketa kewenangan antarlembaga negara.

MK juga menangani perkara terkait sengketa pemilu legislatif, pemilu presiden/wakil presiden, dan pemilu kepala daerah. Mahfud memastikan, semua putusan MK dibuat atas dasar pertimbangan hukum dan keadilan, serta tak ada intervensi dari pihak manapun.

sumber : Kompas

Ketua DPP Partai Demokrat, Anas Urbaningrum, Pascapenangkapan M. Nazaruddin

Pelarian mantan Bendahara Umum Partai Demokrat Muhamad Nazaruddin akhirnya terhenti di Cartagena, Kolombia, Minggu (7/8). Tertangkapnya Nazar memunculkan dua spekulasi bagi orang-orang yang dia tuduh terlibat dalam berbagai praktik mafi a anggaran. Bisa jadi keterlibatannya terbukti atau malah tuduhan-tuduhannya hanya gertakan semata.

SEJAK mendapat serangan dari Naza ruddin, Anas Urbaningrum seolah menghilang di telan bumi. Pernyataannya pun ditunggutunggu. Sejak hari pertama penangkapan Nazarudin, rumah Anas di Kavling AL Duren Sawit, RT 006/Rw 17 Jakarta Timur, kian ra mai jadi sasaran media. Anas merupakan sosok utama yang menjadi ’target man’ Nazaruddin.

Melalui berba gai pernyataannya, Nazaruddin selalu mengaku semua ’praktik kotornya’ dilakukan atas perintah ’bosnya’ tersebut. Mulai dari sejumlah proyek di BUMN hingga pemilihan dirinya sebagai Ketua Partai De mokrat. Maka, Anas pun menjadi buruan media. Pada akhirnya, kemarin, Anas menyempatkan waktu bertemu dengan INDOPOS di ruang kerjanya di DPP Partai Demokrat, Jalan Kramat Raya VII, Jakarta Pusat.

”Silakan Mas, Bapak (Anas) sudah menunggu,” ka ta seorang stafnya kepada INDOPOS. Anas yang sedang sendirian di ruang kerjanya yang berukuran sekitar 5 X 7 meter itu menyambut INDOPOS dengan senyuman. Tidak terlihat rasa gundah ataupun wa jah stres di wajahnya. Anas masih terlihat segar meskipun saat itu dirinya juga sedang menjalani puasa Ramadan. Hanya saja sedikit terlihat jerawat di rahang kirinya.

”Ayo Mas kita ngobrol di sana,” ucap Anas sambil menujuk ke arah sofa hitam yang berada di depan meja kerjanya Sebelum ditanya, pria asal Blitar, Jawa Timur, yang saat itu memakai batik coklat langsung membuka pembicaraan tentang gonjang-ganjing politik terkait Nazaruddin. Meski menjadi bahan pergun jingan di mana-mana, Anas mengaku tidak merasa terganggu.

”Saya tetap fokus mengurusi partai dan menjalani ibadah di bulan Ramadan,” tuturnya. Anas menerangkan, kasus Nazaruddin bagi dirinya adalah sebuah ujian yang harus dihadapi dan tidak boleh dihindari. Dia mengaku ikhlas akan ujian itu. “Ini sebuah ujian dan sudah ketentuan Tuhan yang harus dilewati dan dihadapi dengan ikhlas. Tidak ada daun yang jatuh yang Tuhan tidak tahu. Intinya kita hadapi dengan ikhlas dan berikhtiar,” tutur Anas sambil tersenyum.

Mantan ketua HMI ini mengaku bahwa pasca serangan terhadap dirinya oleh Na zaruddin hingga tertangkapnya Nazarud din, dirinya selalu mendapat nasehat dari kerabat dan sanak familinya. Hampir semua nasehat yang disampaikan, hampir sama yakni meminta agar dirinya tabah dan tegar. “Teman-teman memberi motivasi, menasehati, yang intinya mengharapkan saya harus tegar, sabar ikhtiar, tawakal dan berserah diri ke Tuhan,” ucapnya.

Ia menganggap bahwa masalah yang dihadapinya kini adalah sebuah pelajaran hidup yang paling berarti untuk kemudian meraih kemudahan. “Hidup itu perguliran antrean antara kemudahan dan kesulitan. Tidak semua hidup menjadi mudah dan tidak selalu terbelit dengan kesulitan. Saya yakin sesudah kesulitan ini pasti ada kemudahan,” imbuhnya. Ia bahkan bersyukur memiliki keluarga yang ternyata tidak terlalu gundah dengan apa yang terjadi dengan permasalahan yang menerpa diri dan beberapa ka der Partai Demokrat.

“Istri saya di rumah juga santai-santai saja. Ia sibuk dengan rutinitasnya untuk mengurusi anak dan dapur. Terlebih lagi di saat Ramadan ini,” ungkapnya. Terkait persoalan yang menerpa dirinya, ia memberikan keleluasaan kepada empat anaknya, Akmal (kelas 6 SD), Nawal (kelas 5 SD), Najih (kelas 3 SD) dan Najma (kelas 1 SD) untuk melihat per masalahan Nazaruddin dari media massa.

”Saya tidak menutupi atau membatasi mereka untuk mengetahui dunia politik. Mereka, terutama anak saya yang besar, Akmal, Nawal dan Najih sudah sadar dengan dunia kerja orang tuanya. Saya bebaskan mereka menonton TV atau membaca koran yang ada di rumah saya. Dan saya bersyukur, sangat tidak berpengaruh terhadap kehidupan keluarga,” ucapnya.

Anas menyerahkan sepenuhnya proses hukum atas Nazaruddin kepada aparat yang berwenang. ”Ini (tertangkapnya Anas, Red) adalah langkah awal yang penting untuk proses hukum yang adil dan transparan,” tutur Anas. Dia menjamin, partainya mendukung penuh proses hukum berjalan secara obyektif. ”Proses hukum yang adil dan transparan adalah solusi terbaik untuk memastikan siapa yang bersalah,” tegasnya. (*)

Heart disease

Type :
Coronary heart disease
Main article: Coronary heart disease

Coronary heart disease refers to the failure of the coronary circulation to supply adequate circulation to cardiac muscle and surrounding tissue. Coronary heart disease is most commonly equated with Coronary artery disease although coronary heart disease can be due to other causes, such as coronary vasospasm.[6]

Coronary artery disease is a disease of the artery caused by the accumulation of atheromatous plaques within the walls of the arteries that supply the myocardium. Angina pectoris (chest pain) and myocardial infarction (heart attack) are symptoms of and conditions caused by coronary heart disease.

Over 459,000 Americans die of coronary heart disease every year.[7] In the United Kingdom, 101,000 deaths annually are due to coronary heart disease.[8]
Main article: Cardiomyopathy

Cardiomyopathy literally means "heart muscle disease" (myo=muscle, pathy=disease) It is the deterioration of the function of the myocardium (i.e., the heart muscle) for any reason. People with cardiomyopathy are often at risk of arrhythmia and/or sudden cardiac death.

Extrinsic cardiomyopathies – cardiomyopathies where the primary pathology is outside the myocardium itself. Most cardiomyopathies are extrinsic, because by far the most common cause of a cardiomyopathy is ischemia. The World Health Organization calls these specific cardiomyopathies:[citation needed]
Alcoholic cardiomyopathy
Coronary artery disease
Congenital heart disease
Nutritional diseases affecting the heart
Ischemic (or ischaemic) cardiomyopathy
Hypertensive cardiomyopathy
Valvular cardiomyopathy – see also Valvular heart disease below
Inflammatory cardiomyopathy – see also Inflammatory heart disease below
Cardiomyopathy secondary to a systemic metabolic disease
Intrinsic cardiomyopathies – weakness in the muscle of the heart that is not due to an identifiable external cause.
Dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) – most common form, and one of the leading indications for heart transplantation. In DCM the heart (especially the left ventricle) is enlarged and the pumping function is diminished.
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM or HOCM) – genetic disorder caused by various mutations in genes encoding sarcomeric proteins. In HCM the heart muscle is thickened, which can obstruct blood flow and prevent the heart from functioning properly.
Arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy (ARVC) – arises from an electrical disturbance of the heart in which heart muscle is replaced by fibrous scar tissue. The right ventricle is generally most affected.
Restrictive cardiomyopathy (RCM) – least common cardiomyopathy. The walls of the ventricles are stiff, but may not be thickened, and resist the normal filling of the heart with blood.
Noncompaction Cardiomyopathy – the left ventricle wall has failed to properly grow from birth and such has a spongy appearance when viewed during an echocardiogram.

Cardiovascular disease
Main article: Cardiovascular disease

Cardiovascular disease is any of a number of specific diseases that affect the heart itself and/or the blood vessel system, especially the veins and arteries leading to and from the heart. Research on disease dimorphism suggests that women who suffer with cardiovascular disease usually suffer from forms that affect the blood vessels while men usually suffer from forms that affect the heart muscle itself. Known or associated causes of cardiovascular disease include diabetes mellitus, hypertension, hyperhomocysteinemia and hypercholesterolemia.

Types of cardiovascular disease include:


Ischaemic heart disease

Ischaemic heart disease – another disease of the heart itself, characterized by reduced blood supply to the organs.

Heart failure
Main article: Heart failure

Heart failure, also called congestive heart failure (or CHF), and congestive cardiac failure (CCF), is a condition that can result from any structural or functional cardiac disorder that impairs the ability of the heart to fill with or pump a sufficient amount of blood throughout the body. Therefore leading to the heart and body's failure.

Cor pulmonale, a failure of the right side of the heart.

Hypertensive heart disease
Main article: Hypertensive heart disease

Hypertensive heart disease is heart disease caused by high blood pressure, especially localised high blood pressure. Conditions that can be caused by hypertensive heart disease include:

Left ventricular hypertrophy
Coronary heart disease
(Congestive) heart failure
Hypertensive cardiomyopathy
Cardiac arrhythmias

Inflammatory heart disease
Disability-adjusted life year for inflammatory heart diseases per 100,000 inhabitants in 2004.[9]
no data
less than 70
more than 770

Inflammatory heart disease involves inflammation of the heart muscle and/or the tissue surrounding it.

Endocarditis – inflammation of the inner layer of the heart, the endocardium. The most common structures involved are the heart valves.
Inflammatory cardiomegaly
Myocarditis – inflammation of the myocardium, the muscular part of the heart.

Valvular heart disease
Main article: Valvular heart disease

Valvular heart disease is disease process that affects one or more valves of the heart. There are four major heart valve which may be affected by valvular heart disease, including the tricuspid and aortic valves in the right side of the heart, as well as the mitral and aortic valves in the left side of the heart.

Thursday, 4 August 2011

Natural Disaster

A natural disaster is a disaster caused by nature, such as floods, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, tsunamis, avalanches, lahars (volcanic mudslides), landslides, sinkholes, blizzards, drought, hailstorms, heat waves, hurricanes, tropical storms, typhoons, Ice Ages, tornadoes, and wildfires. Epidemics caused by bacteria or viruses are sometimes considered natural disasters, but sometimes put into a different category. A biological threat such as locusts or toxic fungi could also be considered a natural disaster.

Some disasters are on the edge of natural and non-natural. Famines, the chronic lack of food, may be caused by a combination of natural and human factors. Two space-originating categories of natural disaster, both of which rarely effect humans on the surface, include asteroid impacts and solar flares. Although the risk of asteroid impact in the short term may be low, some scientists argue that in the long term, the likelihood of death by asteroid is similar to that of death by traditional natural disasters such as disease.

The deadliest natural disasters are famines, which claimed 70 million people during the 20th century alone, with 30 million dying during the famine of 1958–61 in China. In the Soviet Union there were several man-made famines that killed millions, blamed on the collectivist policies of Stalin, the leader of the country at the time. Famines have a history of bringing out the worst in people, including atrocities and cannibalism. Read More...

Settlement History Sangiran

Around age pliosen (approximately 2 million year then) and during age pleistosen under (up to 1,7 million year then, be time born it part east java. At that time vulcanic activity and tektonik begin to form big volcano series (that stills mobile up to now) with hilly series now menciri general scenery at java.
At foot south ridges kendeng can we meet singkapan layers exist in age pliosen and pleistosen that precipated at part north single depression. Layer experience phase tektonik end from pleating process at hilly region kendeng. Climate in indonesia since 2,5 million year ago very influenced by age existence glasial (ice coagulation time) and interglasial (ice liquefaction time). Age glasial influence susurt sea water so that formed new landing that connects java with asian continent. This landing bridge makes the happening of migration from asia landing scattereds to java with another islands. Finally animals and also pithecanthropus at that time can occupy various bew place formed. Erosinya reliefs cause the happening of landing sediment sedimets many contain fossil.
Follow harry widianto, java appointment happens approximately 1,65 million year ago and beginning human settlement approximately 1,5 million year ago (widianto 2001). At the (time) of age interglasial, that is ice liquefaction time, new landing returns to stagnate because sea water experiences increase.

Sangiran's Museum

Sangiran a outback region located in hillside lawu, precisely at single depression around 17 km borthwards from single city and according to dministatif located in regency area sragen and a part located in regency karanganyar, proponsi central java. Vast the area + 56 km2 that include three districts at regency sragen that is kec. Kalijambe, kec. Gemolong and kec. Plupuh with kec. Gondangrejo at regency karanganyar. According to astronomy lays in 7o 25 - 7o 30 ls and in 4o - 7o 05 bt (moelyadi and widiasmoro, 1978).
This area is a lot of keeps mysterious very attractive to uncoverred. This matter is caused by in site many is found leavings old world life very attractive to mencermati and studied. Most amaze, we can get complete information from that good ancient human life history hit habitats, the life pattern, animals alive with it and process the happening of unfold nature in range of time bot less than 2 million year ago.
Matter very attractive based on watchfulness that male homosexual kind ancient human erectus that is found at area sangiran around more than 100 individual that experience evolution time bot less than 1 million year. And obvious this total represents 65% from entire ancient human fossils that is found in indonesia and be 50% from fossil total of a kind that found at world. (widianto, et. Al. , 1996). But not only that, stone pregnancy ever used by that ancient human even also very many, so that we can clearly detect and or uncover ancient human life along with culture that bloom moment that.
From watchfulness result experts is got description that sangiran initially be hill that known with the title" dome sangiran" and then the top part attrition so that form a movement existence consequence depression from river stream. According to stratigrafis this site be absolute ancient human site at asia the life visible alternately without be brokened off since 2juta year ago that is since time pliosen end up to end pleistosen middle.
Based on minister of education letter of appointment and culture no. 070/0/1977, date 15 marches 1977 areas sangiran and vinicity appointed as culture security region (rusmulia tjiptadi hidayat, 1993). Braced again with censistence that taked by committee world heritage unesco in warning yeng ke-20th at merida, mexico that decide area sangiran as area world heritage (world inheritance) no. 593 (widianto, h. , and sadirin. , 1996).

Tuesday, 2 August 2011

Do You Want to Quit Smoking? This Tips

The desire to stop smoking is very large, but the bad habits that destroy health was never stopped. Any foods that help smokers stop smoking tobacco desire? and foods that trigger the desire to smoke anyway?

Duke Univercity study found there are four types of foods that can make sense of cigarettes became uneasy.

Eating these foods regularly helps eliminate the feeling that makes people addicted to cigarettes.

1. Fruits
2. Vegetables
3. Dairy products
4. Non-carbonated beverages such as water and fruit juice

In addition there are three types of food that makes smoking more enjoyable. Smokers who intend to quit, you should avoid:

1. Meat
2. Coffee
3. Aperitif

Although not yet be explained further, the researchers suspect that certain foods trigger the production of saliva, which makes cigarettes taste better or less good.

The same study offers some delicious food products while maintaining the diet.

Fruit: dessert in the form of a salad of various fruits sweet

Vegetables: recipes with ingredients cauliflower, peppers, broccoli and other green vegetables

Yogurt: yogurt, pina colada or a citrus berry smoothie worth a shot

Cheese: vegetable pizza with a sprinkling of cheese, caramel lasagna was decent so fine cuisine for a healthy diet as well.

Sources: viva

Monday, 1 August 2011

How to Make a Phone Call from Your Computer

Here is a wonderful idea to make, receive, or trap phone calls through computer! In fact, you can start your own independent telephony; what can be better than that?

== Steps ==
# Have a headphone and a small ear bud. The A.C. of the ear bud and have a 2-feet long thin conductor should be able to flow that A.C.
# Connect the pin of your ear bud into a socket, where it can stick to easily. Connect the wires of socket to the base of antennae.
# Now, place the antennae on the roof and place the ear bud on your table. You can use this ear bud to hear to the caller. For a better listening experience, you can use speakers instead of ear buds.
# Connect your microphone's pin to the antenna.
# Repeat once, but this time, in your friend's house.
# Make a coil of a low resistant metal wire and have a secondary antenna and place its base into the coil. Expose its base, very near to tip of primary antennae, and connect the ends of secondary antenna's coil to a source of 400 W (a switch connected to mains supply). The circuit should not carry resistance of more than 10 Ω.
# Connect secondary antenna to primary antenna through circuit in which current is directed towards primary antenna. Before, primary antennae, a step down transformer ought to be used to give supply of only that much current of that much potential, which is needed by ear plug.
# You're almost done. Now, you have to check the furthest point where signals can be easily received. You can extend the limit by placing another antenna, just as secondary antenna.
# If your friend's system is under limit, you can talk to him directly and unlimitedly, without any ringing system. You can break the circuit whenever you want to go off line. Now it is your turn.
# Find your own way to connect its audio jacks to computer to record or talk conversations more efficiently. With help of a programming language, installed into your PC, you can make your PC ring whenever it receives any signals.